Sunday 23 July 2017

CTARC Report on CTARC AGM - 23 Jul '17

Yesterday at 14h00 we held the CTARC’s Annual General Meeting of 2017 at the clubhouse.
(Photos are here).

The meeting was well attended. We counted over 30 heads in attendance.

The meeting was opened by the CTARC Chairman, Rob / ZS1SA and apologies announced. Then formal confirmation of notice of the meeting was obtained and a quorum confirmed.  A minute's silence was held for those Silent Keys who passed away this year.

Confirmation of Minutes of the previous AGM, held on Saturday, 23 July 2016, was obtained and matters arising from these minutes was briefly discussed

Rob then delivered the Chairman’s Report, covering the events of the last year and some future plans for the clubhouse and infrastructure. Anne then delivered her short but sweet Secretary’s Report. This was followed by the Treasurer's Report,comprehensively covered by Danny / ZS1BL and illustrated with PowerPoint slides of the figures. Approval of the accounts was obtained. A necessary (but moderate) increase in membership fees is taking place. This will be detailed in Ragchew and the Blogspot.

Then the pleasant task of presentation of Trophies and Awards was done by our Chairman, Rob. 

The Club Participation Award was given jointly to Hans-Jurgen / ZS1HJH and Wolfgang / ZR1WLH, for their great involvement this year with the club and technical development of its antennas;

The Golden Wellie Award, for attendance of Club Meetings and events through thick and thin was awarded to Richard / ZS1RIC (in absentia);

The CTARC's most prestigious award, the Buck Taylor award, was awarded in absentia to Fred /ZS1FZ, for his enormous involvement (in time, vision and funding) for a big project of huge benefit to our club, that he initiated, steered and is busy building, that will be clarified in greater detail presently;

The Sports Award was awarded by Michael /ZS1MJT, backed up by Davey / ZR1FR, to Hendrick / ZS1EEE, for the quality and depth of his involvement in radio comms for Sports Rallies this last year.

We then proceeded with the formal election of office bearers and activity conveners. Rob stood down as John / ZS1AGH took
over as temporary caretaker Chairman to call for nominations. 

Rob / ZS1SA was unanimously nominated and elected as the CTARC Chairman for the period 2017 / 2018. This was followed by the election of a new Working Committee and Bank Signatory Mandates.

The CTARC Committee remains (more or less) as before, with the following portfolios:

Anne is CTARC Secretary & Ragchew Editor;

Noel / ZS1FW is CTARC Vice-Chairman, Clubhouse Manager & Convenor of the weekly ZS1CT Net; 

Danny / ZS1BL is CTARC Treasurer;

Tony / ZS1TK is the new Bulletins Coordinator;

Paul / ZS1S is Western Cape Repeater Working Group representative (he's currently the Vice-Chairman of that organisation). He is also responsible for Clubhouse Security;

Paul / ZS1PXK is Meetings Logistics Coordinator;

Barry / ZS1FJ is QSL Manager - Cards;

Charles / ZS1CJO is QSL Manager - Digital;

Peter ZS1PGC is Club Assets Manager;
Nick / ZS1ZD is Website / Blogspot Manager & Club Photographer.

The following Committee Members stepped down:
Shaun / ZS1RA (former CTARC Public Relations Officer) has relocated from Cape Town;
Tony / ZS1TM (former Bulletins
and Hylton / ZR1HPC (former QSL

Appointment of Honorary Auditor:
As Barry / ZS1FJ has now joined the CTARC Committee, we require the services of a new honorary auditor. This non-onerous responsibility involves casting a proprietorial eye over the accounting figures of the CTARC's  finances.

With the office bearers duly elected, other business was attended to briefly and the Rob offered a votes of thanks to the committee members, new & outgoing. With that, the meeting was formally ended and refreshments were then served. CTARC Members and visitors had the chance to chat over tubs of delicious soup and the occasional glass of sherry.

Our Club's thanks are due to a number of folk:
  • Rob, for his leadership and vision through the past years of chairmanship;
  • Rob and Anne for organizing the logistics of the AGM event;
  • Special thanks to Anne and Elsabe for feeding us with scrumptious chicken soup, beef consomme and sherry and rolls on the cold winter afternoon; and also to Tony /ZS1TK, who made glasses of red wine available for a nominal contribution;
  • Thank-you to the CTARC Committee, for their work, insights and contributions throughout the year. Everyone has a role to play and it’s a great team;
  • Lastly, but certainly not leastly, thanks to all the CTARC members, for their attendance, support and contributions that make the CTARC the convivial fellowship that it is.
Things wound up at about 16h30. The following meeting at the CTARC will be the Antenna Work Party on Saturday, 29 July.

Photos of the event are [here].